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Overcoming fears with a first stage performance

June 26, 2024

We had a mini-showcase last weekend - specifically for Reception and Yr1 students, along with a guest appearance by some of our older students (some of whom have been dancing with us for over 10 years!)

Leading up to this, there were many understandably anxious children and parents - they were anxious about how nervous their child was, worried that they may freeze and not go onstage, or they were anxious about the backstage plans and how their child would feel in an new environment.

It's a huge deal for children so young to perform on a proper stage, under real stage lighting with the audience in the dark, to try to remember their dance AND perform it to the audience. We get it! That's why we do this smaller version of our normally very large production, so that they can get used to it without it being quite so overwhelming.

Safe to say, all nerves were calmed when the children came to rehearsal (many of them were much more excited when they tried on their costumes weeks before!) The teachers were calm and friendly. They got to watch other groups perform, including the senior girls (lots of mouths agape!), and got used to the heat of the lights after waiting in the 'wings'.

Every single child who had been very wobbly ended up having a lovely day. There were tears of joy from their families watching in the audience (maybe some of the teachers too...) and lifetime memories made.

The life skill of facing a fear and realising afterwards that you can do hard things and feel proud of yourself for it? This is priceless, and we are so privileged to give this opportunity to our students.

I wonder how many more shows these students will perform in with us?! Here's a few pictures of the day:

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Photos by Sam Cartwright Photography
Grace Dance Ltd (15239517)
1-3-8 The Barracks, White Cross, Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom, LA1 4XQ
VAT Registration Number 452571885